Researchers involved in EFIDIR project are in the SIGMAPHY (SIGnal Image PHYsic) team. Nicolas LeBihan (CR-CNRS) has been working on multidimensional signal processing and especially on modelling and processing of polarized signals since 2002 as a full time CNRS researcher. He has been collaborating with S. Sangwine (University Essex, UK) and with G. Sommer and S. Buchholz (Christian Albreicht University, Germany) for several years on the use of geometric algebras for polarized signal modeling. Michel Gay (IR-CNRS) is in charge of the SAR image activity in collaboration with LISTIC-UdS and LEGOS (in Toulouse), with applications on Alpine glacier monitoring. Emmanuel Trouvé joined GIPSA-lab in september 2006 in "délégation CNRS" for two years. Emmanuel Trouvé and Michel Gay benefit from the experience of coordination acquired with the MEGATOR ACI - Masse de données project (2004-2007) and are both involved in the methodological and application parts of the ORFEO program (CNES). They are in contact with international research team working on SAR imaging: DLR (German aerospace center) and Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. |