1. Ferro-Famil, L.; Neumann, M. Analysis of natural scenes using polarimetric and interferometric SAR data statistics in particular configurations. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2008), DVD , Boston, USA, July 2008, 4 pages

  2. Ferro-Famil L., Neumann M., Recent Advances in the Derivation of POL-inSAR Statistics: Theory and Applications, European SAR Conference, Friedrichshafen, Germany, June 2008

  3. Guéguen Y., Deffontaines B., Al Heib M., Fruneau B., De Michele M., Raucoules D., Guise Y., Planchenault J., Monitoring of the residual mining subsidence in the Nord/Pas-de-Calais coalmine with DINSAR and PS interferometry (2008) European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP (649 SP) 7p

  4. Kaveh, H. F., Fruneau, B., Deffontaines, B., Duro, J., and Arnaud A., Apports de l’interférométrie radar (Dinsar et PSI) à l’étude du retrait gonflement d’argile (RGA) dans l’Est du Bassin de Paris. In Publication du Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées. Symposium International Sécheresse et Constructions, Marne la Vallée, France (Septembre 2008).

  5. Petillot I., Trouvé E., Bolon Ph., Gay M., Vanpé J.-M., Radar Rectification of GIS Data for SAR Image Analysis in Mountain Areas, EUSAR-2008, CD-ROM , Friedrichshafen, Germany, June 2008, 4 pages. (full text in attachment)

  6. Pinel V., Hooper A., De la Cruz-Reyna S., Reyes-Davila G., Doin M.-P., Study of the deformation field of two active Mexican stratovolcanoes (Popocatepetl and Colima Volcano) by time series of InSAR data., ESA Fringe Workshop Proceedings, Frascati, Italy, ESA Special Publication SP-649, 2008.

  7. Pottier, E.; Ferro-Famil, L.; Allain, S.; Cloude, S. R.; Hajnsek, I.; Papathanassiou, K.; Moreira, A.; Williams, M.; Minchella, A. and Desnos, Y. L. PolSARpro v3.3 : The Educational Toolbox for Polarimetric and Interferometric Polarimetric SAR Data Processing, IEEE Int. Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 08), CD-ROM , Boston, MA, USA, July 2008, 4 pages.

  8. Trouvé E., Petillot I., Bolon Ph., Gay M., Bombrun L., Nicolas J.M., Tupin F., Walpersdorf A., Cotte N., Hajnsek I., Keller M., Monitoring Alpine Glacier activity by a combined use of TerraSAR-X images and continuous GPS measurements - the Argentière glacier experiment, EUSAR-2008, CD-ROM , Friedrichshafen, Germany, June 2008, 4 pages. (full text in attachment)

  9. Vasile G., Ovarlez J.-P., Pascal F., Tison C., Bombrun L., Gay M., Trouvé E., Normalized coherency matrix estimation under the SIRV model - Alpine glacier POLSAR data analysis, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2008), DVD , Boston, USA, July 2008, 4 pages

  10. 2008 December, AGU fall meeting
  • O. Cavalié, E. Pathier, M.-P. Doin (2008), InSAR Analysis of the 2006 Slow Slip Event in the Guerrero-Oaxaca Zone using NARR, Eos Trans AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Supll., Abstract G51A-0602.
  • M.-P. Doin, C. Lasserre, G. Peltzer, O. Cavalié, C. Doubre, (2008), Estimating tropospheric phase delay in SAR interferograms using Global Atmospheric Models, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Supll., Abstract G53C-06.
  • V. Pienl, M.-P. Doin, S. De la Cruz-Reyna, A. Hooper, (2008), Use of Global Meteorological Model to Correct for Stratified Tropospheric Delays in SAR Data: Application to Active Mexican Stratovolacnoes, Eos Trans. AGU, 89 (53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract G53C-07.