LTCI-Institute Télécom, Télécom ParisTech : Laboratoire de Traitement et Communication de l'Information Directed by Henri Maître, the LTCI (Information Processing and Communication Laboratory) is a joint Research Unit (UMR 5141) of the CNRS and GET-Télécom Paris.


The LTCI is one of the leading laboratories in the ICST department (Information and Communication Science and Technology) of the CNRS, since it covers the field of telecommunications almost exhaustively. At LTCI, Synthetic Array Radar research started twenty years ago with the first SEASAT data. At present time, SAR is mainly dealt by Florence Tupin (MdC) and Jean-Marie Nicolas (Pr) both as a signal (yielding synthesis aspects) and an image (more specifically an image with complex values). LTCI has therefore a solid experience built on testing and processing various data, including remote sensing data (SEASAT, ERS, JERS, Radarsat, ..) as well as airborne data mainly in an industrial research framework (Varan, Ramses, Aerosensing,..). LTCI has strong links with the French scientific community involved in SAR processing : for example, with ONERA and LG-ENS, the relations are strengthened by PhD thesis co-directions. LTCI is also involved in the methodological part of the ORFEO Accompaniment Program, and is in contact with international research teams working on SAR imaging (Italy, Germany, Tunisia, China,...).


Postal address:

Télécom ParisTech

46, rue Barrault
75013 Paris