Project organisationThis project is divided into 3 sub-projects (SP) corresponding to the 3 main stages of a processing chain which starts with the SAR data, raw or single look complex (SLC) images, provides displacement measurements which are finally used by geophysicists to derive the parameters of geophysical models. Each of these subprojects includes 2 or 3 work-packages (WP) corresponding to precise tasks clearly identified as a need of specific tools or new methodological approaches to benefit from the large amount of SAR data: time series, high resolution or multi-variate images from the new generation SAR satellites. Each subproject has a coordinator and each work-package is ruled at least by a tandem of information processing and geophysical application specialists. Moreover, a transversal part of the project consists in creating a web site to gather documentation, experimental data sets, conventional open source software and the developed tools, for research and educational purpose. The responsibilities for these different parts of the project are distributed according to the experience of the different partners:
- Work-package 1, Florence Tupin LTCI-TPT, Marie-Pierre Doin, LG-ENS Coherent scatterer characterization for displacement monitoring- Work-package 2, Michel Gay GIPSA-INPG, Laurent Ferro-Famil IETR-UdR1, Erwan Pathier LGIT-UJF Distributed media characterization for displacement monitoring using Pol-InSAR data
- Work-package 3, Jean Marie Nicolas LTCI-TPT, Bénédicte Fruneau (G2I) LG-ENS From Coherent Scatterers characterization to ground motion time series- Work-package 4, Emmanuel Trouvé LISTIC-UdS, Stéphane Guillaso LG-ENS Development of a New Small temporal and spatial baselines (NSBAS) processing chain- Work-package 5, Michel Gay GIPSA-INPG, Erwan Pathier LGIT-UJF Large displacement measurements from multivariate SAR data (LARDIS tool)
- Work-package 6, Nicolas Meger LISTIC-UdS, Cécile Lasserre LG-ENS Atmospheric perturbation detection- Work-package 7, Emmanuel Trouvé LISTIC-UdS, Virginie Pinel LGIT-UdS Fusion of displacement measurements in the context of geophysical model parameter estimation Diffusion, coordination Pierre Briole LG-ENS |