Project managementA steering committee, composed of the project and the subproject coordinators and the person in charge of the valorisation, will coordinate the project by regular (every 3 months) video-conference meetings between Université de Savoie and Télécom Paris. They will make sure that the human resources, the data and result exchanges and the methods developed by the different work-packages are in agreement with the project goals. They will take important decisions regarding the project evolution in case of difficulties or necessary choices due to unexpected events (new opportunities, missing data, complementary information sources...). Each work-package will be conducted by the methodology/geophysics tandems with the support of human resources available in their laboratories: colleagues involved in the project, master trainings, PhD students or post-doctoral researcher recruited for the project. Regular meetings and stays in the other laboratory will be planned according to the advance requirements. Minutes of meetings will be distributed to the whole project participants to share information regarding the advance and the choices made in the different work-packages. Each subproject will have two annual meetings regrouping the persons involved more specifically in their part of the processing chain. One of these two meetings might be during the project annual meeting which will gather all the project participants for a few days in the same place. The annual meeting will have two parts: