LISTIC, EA-3703, has been developing research activities in the field of numeric and symbolic information processing for more than 15 years.
LISTIC teams applied these techniques to complex natural images such as seismic images (oil exploration), colour images (food and agriculture domain) and SAR images. In this domain, it has developed a specific experience in information extraction from multivariate images such as change detection in multi-temporal time-series [Bujor et al. 2004] or polarimetric interferometric image filtering [Vasile et al. 2006].
In the domain of information fusion, the LISTIC has been interested in the propagation of uncertainties in the fusion process [Mauris et al. 2001]. Fuzzy representation are used with the objective of being able to exploit in a single formalism:
The LISTIC EFIDIR team includes 2 Professors and 4 Maîtres de Conférences and 2 PhD students.
Yajing Yan and Renaud Fallourd are 2 PhD students, each specialized in a theme. Yajing Yan works on the fusion of measurements from SAR images and GPS data. Renaud Fallourd is working on the application of SAR images on the Alps' glaciers movements.
Philippe Bolon (Pr), the head of the laboratory has initiated the LISTIC activity on SAR images (animation of a working-group on multi-temporal image analysis in the GdR-ISIS). He will bring his expertise in image processing and performance assessment (he is currently the head of the French national image processing evaluation program "Techno-Vision".
Sylvie Galichet (Pr) and Gilles Mauris (MdC) are specialists in fuzzy fusion methods and will specifically contribute to the fusion and inversion work-package (WP7).
Flavien Vernier (MdC) is specialist in algorithms science and distribute systems. He is in charge of the EFIDIR tools elaboration.
Nicolas Méger (MdC) is specialist in data mining and will experiment this approach to spatial pattern detection in interferometric time-series (WP6).
Finally, Emmanuel Trouvé (MdC-HdR) will coordinate this project. With a PhD in SAR interferometry at LTCI-ENST [Trouvé-1996] and an "Habilitation à diriger des recherches" (HDR) in the field of multi-variate SAR image processing [Trouvé 2006], he has more than ten years experience in extraction and fusion approaches for remote sensing applications. He was the coordinator ("responsable scientifique") of a previous 3-year "ACI-Masse de Données" project entitled MEGATOR (see here), with 3 other partners, including LTCI-ENST and GIPSA-INPG laboratories. He is currently part of GIPSA-INPG team in a "délégation CNRS" position which should be reconducted in 2007-2008.
Access address:
LISTIC - Polytech Annecy-Chambéry
5, chemin de Bellevue
Domaine universitaire
74940 ANNECY
Postal address:
LISTIC - Polytech Annecy-Chambéry
B.P. 80439
74940 ANNECY