LGIT-UJF/USMB : Laboratoire de Géophysique Interne et de Tectonophysique LGIT is a joint Research Unit (UMR5559) of 60 researchers involving CNRS, IRD, Joseph Fourier University (UJF), Savoie Mont Blanc University (USMB) and Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées (LCPC).
In complement to other techniques such as GPS, three of the six LGIT research teams - "Seismic cycle and transient deformations" and "Landslides" (based in Grenoble) and "Volcanoes" (based in Chambery)- are using SAR techniques to measure ground displacements, a fundamental parameter for their researches.
Cécile Lasserre (CR1-CNRS), Erwan Pathier (MdC-UJF) and Virginie Pinel (CR2-IRD) are the main persons involved in the EFIDIR project. They are both familiar with the main software commonly used to process interferometric data (DORIS, DIAPASON or ROIPAC) and have experience in processing temporal series of data by PS techniques.
Cécile Lasserre is a specialist in active faults studies combining neotectonics and geodetic (GPS, InSAR) data. She is experienced in InSAR processing, with particular interests in detecting and modelling small deformation signal across faults, such as interseismic deformation.
Erwan Pathier has also experience in amplitude correlation techniques [Pathier et al 2006]. He has used InSAR to quantify co-seismic displacements [Pathier 2003, 2006] and will now also apply the technique to landslide monitoring. He is involved in two proposals recently submitted (ANR blanc and 3F) and dedicated to the study of slow earthquakes in the Mexican area.
Virginie Pinel is specialized in modelling the stress and deformation field associated with magma transport and storage [Pinel et al 2003, 2004]. She is involved in the European STREP Project VOLUME "Volcanoes Understanding subsurface Mass Movement" (http://www.volume-project.net/) and its extension dedicated to the study of Central and South American volcanoes. She will manage subproject III.
Also part of the EFIDIR project, Andrea Walpersdorf (Phys.Adj.-UJF) will bring her expertise in the use GPS data to correct tropospheric delays [Champollion et al, 2004].
Pascale Bascou (IE-UdS) will bring her support to SAR processing. The LGIT will be a key partner in this project because of its position at the interface between methodology and application.
Access address LGIT-Grenoble :
Maison des Géosciences
Campus Universitaire
1381, rue de la Piscine
38400 Saint Martin d'Heres
Access address LGIT-Chambéry :
Domaine universitaire
Bâtiment "Le Chablais"
73376 Le Bourget-du-Lac cedex
Postal address:
LGIT - BP 53
38041 Grenoble CEDEX 9