This project regroups 6 laboratories in order to cover the needs of the whole information processing chain, which starts from the data mass delivered by remote sensing satellites and ends at an increased knowledge in geophysics. There are 4 laboratories which belong to the information processing domain and 2 laboratories and 3 associated experts which belong to the geoscience domain. This allows us to propose methodological development using different approaches and to cover different applications where significant, reliable and large scale results cannot be obtained without massive data processing. The regrouping of multi-disciplinary partners is mandatory for such project in order to start from the application requirement, to include expertise in the conception of processing algorithm, and to validate results and performances according to end-user criteria.
The 4 methodological partners have developed a solid experience in SAR image analysis at different levels of the processing chain. They have complementary skills in SAR backscattering physics and Pol- InSAR information (IETR-UdR1), SAR early processing and statistical analysis (LTCI-TPT), signal and image processing in geophysics (GIPSA-INPG) and multi-source information fusion (LISTIC-USMB).
This project goal is to improve, through massive SAR data processing, our understanding of the lithospheric behaviour in various contexts (tectonic, volcanic...) and mechanisms of surface movements (glaciers, landslide). Two geophysical laboratories (LGIT-UJF/USMB and LG-ENS) with a high-level expertise both in SAR data processing and crustal deformation modelling, are involved. Researchers from these partners are PI of several Space Agency proposal, which provide them with a large amount of SAR data.