Extraction and Fusion of Information for Displacement measurement from SAR Imagery
May 1st – May 6, 2011
This one week spring school is aimed at young researchers in the domains of information processing and geosciences using SAR images. The one week school will concentrate on tools and methods of SAR data analysis and applications in monitoring geophysical phenomena at the origin of observed displacements (earthquakes, volcanoes, glaciers). The program stretches from electromagnetic backscattering to physical model inversion, including practical work and observation on the site Chamonix Mont-Blanc. The school will allow PhD students, young scientists and experts to share their knowledge of recent advances linked to the new generation of radar satellites and processing methods allowing effective exploitation of the resulting data.
Download the EFIDIR Spring School 2011 Flyer HERE
Please check here for the detailed programme containing links to the lecture notes and practical work. The lecture note are being added as we receive the relevant documents. If the lecture you are interested in doesn not have a link, please check back later.
The school will be held at the Ecole de physique des Houches located 10 minutes from Chamonix in the French Alps
If you are participating in the school, please check out our practical information.
For more information about any details of the EFIDIR Spring School, please contact:
Emmanuel Trouvé
LISTIC, Polytech Annecy-Chambéry, Université de Savoie - BP 80439 - 74944 Annecy-le-Vieux cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)4 50 09 65 48
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